Tuesday 29 January 2013

Review 90210 Season 5 Episode 11 - We're Not Not In Kansas Anymore

During Annie's surgery, she experiences her life as it 'would be' if she had never moved away from Kansas, yet of course still remembering her life at home. She's engaged to her high school boyfriend and has lost all contact with her brother Dixon, who is now a famous hip hop artist in LA. Meanwhile Silver is a mean gossip blogger, while Naomi is looking for that one rich guy to marry. Annie flies all the way to LA to get in contact with Dixon and that's when she meets everyone as they are in this alternate reality.

In the beginning of the episode, we see Annie & Liam in the hospital, just before she goes into surgery. The last thing Annie says before she goes in is: "I think maybe you'd be better off if you hadn't met me in the first place". Then when Annie goes to sleep during surgery, she wakes up in an alternate reality where she's still in Kansas, without any of her friends. Yet, she still remembers her actual life, even though this alternate reality feels super real.

Annie soon realizes her and Dixon are no longer in contact anymore, so she decides to go to LA and look him up. When she goes over to his house, Dixon is there with his help Navid, but they don't acknowledge her. At the house, Annie meets Naomi who works as a real estate agent and they spend the day together. At Naomi's university Annie bumps into Teddy, who is still a ladies man and hasn't revealed his sexual orientation yet. She also meets Liam there, who seems to be living a normal life without any complications, as far as Annie knows. As a last surprise, Ty shows up. Who we know from Season 1, where he was Annie's boyfriend for a short amount of time. Annie and Naomi both get invited to a party later that night, so they decide to go.

During all of this, we've already got a glimpse of Silver, the mean gossip blogger, as well. We see her talking to Adriana, who is an off the trails hollywood star, about a video that shows a very drunk Adriana.

At the party Annie got invited to, a lot of things get out of hand again. Dixon looses his status as cool hip hop artist, because Silver blogged about where he really came from, including a christmas picture of him and Annie. Liam gets arrested, because he was carrying drugs at the party to pay a debt (so his normal life, wasn't that normal after all). And Naomi and Teddy become boyfriend & girlfriend, just to cover up Teddy's sexual orientation.

Eventually, Annie organizes a get together for all of her friends because she's leaving for Kansas again. She tells them what she thinks about what they're doing and that she knows more about them than they think. Just as she says: "...I feel like I already am home" to her high school boyfriend from Kansas, she wakes up and is back into reality.

Of course this alternate reality was all about Annie realizing that she's meant to be where she is and that things are bound to happen, no matter where you are. And it seems like she got the point.

Apart from Annie, other things are still brewing as well. Teddy finds out that Silver faked his signature on the donor form and Naomi goes over to Max' parents house, only to find Max is actually there, instead of in Iceland.
And how can we forget the sweet talk between Annie and Liam? I can't help but think there's something there still. Will they get together again at some point or is it all just friendliness?

Let me know what your thoughts are on this episode of 90210!



  1. I haven't seen every episoded but i'm going to watch it ones for sure!


    Style of Purity

  2. Welcome back to the blogging world sis! xoxo


  3. I love this show, so sad it is the last season
