Tuesday 7 February 2012

Review The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Episode 13 - Bringing Out The Dead

Sheriff Forbes tells Alaric and Elena some disturbing news about the murder weapon used in a recent killing, while Damon confides in an old “friend” to come up with a plan against Klaus. In the mean time, Stefan brings Bonnie and Abbie to the sealed coffin they still have. Klaus invites Damon and Stefan over for a lovely dinner, which will not end as expected. If that’s not enough, Caroline is dealing with her father, who now has more in common with her than she ever wanted.

First things first, sheriff Forbes. She goes over to Elena’s house to speak with Alaric and Elena. Here she tells them that they have examined the murder weapon from the recent killing. It was a stake from Elena’s lake house and on the stake are Elena’s fingerprints. This puts her as the main suspect. Of course Elena is shocked by this news.
As we all know, Elena hasn’t done it. So who else has her fingerprints? the doppelgänger. So I was first thinking it could be Katherine. But then I thought, what would her reason be? She doesn’t really have a reason to kill that person, so she probably won’t do it either. So maybe it’s someone else.. someone who will be mentioned later on.
In the mean time, Damon meets up with Elijah. Damon was the one who took the knife out of Elijah and resurrected him. He wants to come up with a plan against Klaus and he needs Elijah’s help.
At this point we don’t know yet if Elijah will actually help him. Because to be honest, Klaus is still Elijah’s family. So you never know.
Meanwhile, Stefan takes Bonnie and her mother Abbie to the place where the sealed coffin is hidden. Bonnie and Abbie are looking up spells in the spell book, to see if there’s something they can use to open the coffin. Eventually they find the spell, but it takes a lot of magic and they need to do it together. At first, it doesn’t work and it seems like it never will, because Abbie is just not letting the magic in. However, when Bonnie asks her for help one more time (since Abbie said “there’s no way I can tell you how sorry I am”) Abbie lets the magic in. They end up opening the coffin and they are shocked to see what’s inside. Later on (after the dinner that’s mentioned next), Damon and Stefan find the coffin to be empty and therefore useless. Obviously the person who was inside, has disappeared.
During Bonnie and Abbie’s magic ritual, Damon and Stefan go over to Klaus’ for a dinner to discuss an agreement. It ends up being a bit awkward, since they obviously don’t like each other. During this dinner Elijah and Klaus tell them about the originator of the Petrova blood line, which is Tatia. Elijah and Klaus both fancied her, but their mother (a very powerful witch) made sure to end their fighting over Tatia, by taking her away. Later on, Elijah and Klaus learned that it was Tatia’s blood in the wine they drank on the night their mother performed a spell, which turned them into vampires.
Tatia wouldn’t choose between Elijah or Klaus, which is when Elijah and Klaus grew estranged. However, in the end they realized the bond of family. Which makes them say: “family above all”. You can see on Damon and Stefan’s faces that this made them think.
What I mentioned earlier, about the fingerprints on the stake that matched Elena’s? Maybe it could be Tatia’s. She’s still out there and she’s the original Petrova, so why can’t it be. A good motive for her to do something like that, I don’t have, but I’m just trying to think of solutions.
After the dinner, they still haven’t come to an agreement and it looks like they won’t be able to either. Damon and Stefan want Klaus to leave Mystic Falls forever, in exchange of giving him the coffin. Klaus obviously doesn’t agree with this, since he needs Elena’s blood to create more hybrids, so he says he won’t leave without her. He offers the boys a deal, where he will ensure Elena’s happiness and that he will keep her safe, but that means that she will live without them.
Stefan goes up to Klaus and shakes his hand, as if he agrees to the deal, but then says there’s no deal. This infuriates Klaus, which leads to Klaus putting Stefan’s hand in the fire and demanding that they give him the coffin right now. Damon accepts this and goes to get the coffin, while Elijah goes with him.
Soon when they come back, Elijah shows Klaus the so-called “dessert” of the evening. Two knifes on a plate. This obviously means that Elijah has un-daggered his family and that he’s on Damon and Stefan’s side. Elijah learned not to trust Klaus’ promises anymore and decided to do it his way. That’s when Kol, Finn and Rebekah show up to kick Klaus’ ass. Elijah tells Damon and Stefan that they’re free to go, so they leave.
I thought it was cool that Elijah was on Damon and Stefan’s side. I wasn’t sure at first if Elijah would help, since Klaus is family after all. And then when they both said: “family above all” it made me wonder even more. But now it’s just a bit ironic how Elijah eventually turned against him even though they are family. But then again, Kol, Finn and Rebekah are his family too and they have never mislead him. So go Elijah!
Outside in the forest Damon and Stefan have a small heart to heart moment where Stefan ends up saying he loves Elena. And Damon says he does too.
I knew it!! I knew it all along that Stefan still loves Elena. I thought that moment was so sweet. And the fact that Damon and Stefan still help each other out is cool too. They will always be family and they realize that.
During all of this, a few other things happened that are also important. Firstly, Caroline’s dad was in the hospital as he was attacked by werewolf Tyler and got vampire blood from dr. Fell to get him to recover. Caroline goes over to pick him up, but dr. Fell tells her he’s already checked out. Caroline calls his cellphone, but then ends up hearing his ringtone. Soon Caroline and Elena find her dad in a storage room, stabbed. There is no way he can be saved and he dies, which means he will become a vampire because of the vampire blood. When Caroline’s dad eventually wakes up he tells Caroline that he doesn’t want to feed to complete the transformation, as he doesn’t want to be a vampire. Caroline has a hard time understanding this and tries several times to talk him out of it, but he has made his decision. Eventually he dies in Caroline’s house, which leaves Caroline being devastated.
What a sad moment. I already thought it was a bad idea to give Caroline’s dad vampire blood, but that he would actually be turned into one?! I never thought that would happen. I understand his decision though, as he hates vampires so much. Why would you want to be something you hate? It’s sad for Caroline though, since she now has lost her dad.
Secondly, after the attack on Caroline’s dad, someone else also gets attacked. This time Elena and Matt find Alaric at the top of the stairs, also stabbed but not dead yet. Alaric didn’t see who did this, so he’s not sure if something supernatural did it, which leaves Elena with a hard decision to make. If Alaric dies by something supernatural, his ring will bring him back to life. But if it was just someone normal, his ring won’t be able to do so. Since they’re not sure, Elena (who is supernatural as she’s the doppelgänger) grabs a knife and stabs Alaric so he dies. That’s when the waiting begins, until Alaric eventually wakes up (thank god!).
Elena and Alaric had their suspicions as to who could have done all these attacks. They thought it might be dr. Fell, since she knows about vampires and all the stabbings are done with stakes from their house, who she probably once had access to (since she was dating Alaric). But soon Elena finds out dr. Fell has an alibi, so it’s still a mystery who did all of this.
I was actually shocked when I saw Alaric had been attacked. I never want to see him go! And I’m glad his ring could save him again. He is going through some messed up stuff right now though. And I still don’t trust dr. Fell either. Even though she might have an alibi.
At the very end of the episode, we learn who was in the coffin all that time. She turns up at Klaus’ place where Klaus and his brothers and sister are having a not so nice conversation. They are not ready to forgive Klaus for killing their mother and they want to leave him behind. But when their mother shows up, Esther, they are all stunned as they thought she was dead (we all thought she was dead). However, Esther is there to forgive her son Klaus and she wants them all to be a family again.
Such a huge shock that Esther was the one in the coffin! But how is she alive? Ok, she is a witch, but she was killed so hmm.. that’s a very interesting thing. I’m very curious to find out more about her and to see what will happen next. At least one thing is for sure, Mystic Falls will not turn into a dull town.
What did you think of this episode? And are you just as surprised as me as to who was in the coffin? Or did you already think it would be her?

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